I thought it was time to give a glimpse of our reporting interface.
Below you will see a "snapshot" (the actual resolution is 1000X better)of what our base reports looks like.
Click on image below to enlarge, but a key takeway is how to, EXTEND the most valuable inventory or profile, beyond the CORE, displayed action? (pinpointing a user who likes sports, but also spend alot of time consuming other media)
If you look closely below, you will see CORE behavior, and then take a look at how many pages are consumed, OUTSIDE of the core initial behavior.....(doing other things in the community)
In User Generated Media, the opportunity is more prevalent than other forms of online content, to capture a user when they are spending time on so called, "remnant or less valued inventory." Tailoring creatives that fit a consumers passion, NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE IN A COMMUNITY.
What does this all mean? It means that Web 2.0 may be the most cost effective, and also the most optimal way to have a dialogue with relevant consumers......who consume media in a particular way --- and then, judge ad response rates against that consumption metric.
It also means that when BRAND ADVERTISERS in mass, understand that Social Media "holds the key" to advanced targeting, by being both more efficient, as well as with clear objectives around creative messaging.......we are at the beginning of a, ADVERTISING REVOLUTION.
Lotame is helping to lead the dialogue.
(click on image below to enlarge)
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