Saturday, July 01, 2006

The strategy of force is starting to work....

Hamas is complaining at the UN.

And now, Israel is finally TELLING THE WORLD that a terrorist organization, is a fair target for the sights of assasination.

"The US ambassador also charged Syria and Lebanon with stoking regional tensions and demanded the Syria and Iran end their role as state sponsors of terror and condemn Hamas, including the kidnapping of Gideon Shalit.

Israel’s deputy ambassador Daniel Carmon said everything possible is being done to prevent harm to Palestinian civilians. Israel considers its pullout from Gaza, in the hope of re-engaging the peace process, was a mistake. Gaza is now a terror base supported by the elected Hamas government and Israel is under attack day in and day out."

Gaza is a terror base.

The pullout was a mistake.

Please ISRAEL, abandon plans for ANY FURTHER land concessions to Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbullah or anyone connected to terrorists.


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